Our Story

A Quest for Quality Coffee Tools

As coffee enthusiasts, we were on a constant hunt for the perfect cup of coffee. We knew the key to brewing that beautiful cup was having the right coffee tools. However, we soon discovered that New Zealand lacked high-quality coffee tools. We couldn't find anything that met our standards. Frustrated with the lack of options, we decided to take matters into our own hands.

The Solution

A Journey of Discovery

We knew that we needed tools made from the highest quality materials. So we set out to find tools that were not only functional but also beautiful. We talked to amazing local baristas and coffee enthusiasts from around New Zealand during the process. We discussed the tools that made the most significant impact on our daily coffee brewing process. After careful planning and testing, we finally decided on the perfect coffee tools that massively upgraded our coffee-making process.

Importance of Precision

Quality Materials for Quality Tools

We know that precision is critical when it comes to coffee brewing, which is why we don't compromise on the quality of the materials used in our tools. We only use the best materials to ensure our tools are precise and accurate, giving you the perfect cup of coffee every time. Our tools not only look great but are also functional and built to last.

Beyond the Tools

Our Dedication to the New Zealand Coffee Culture

For us, it's not just about the coffee tools. We deeply care about the New Zealand Coffee Culture and want to support our local baristas and coffee enthusiasts. We're here to help you fix any issues in your coffee brewing routine and to support you in your quest for the perfect cup of coffee.

We're more than just an online coffee tools store – we're part of the community.

Our Favourites